Module 2: “Digital Tools and Intergenerational Socialization and Communication”
Understanding intergenerational communication means to have a bigger knowledge on how different age group interact between each other.
Nowadays, digital tools and media play a huge role in all aspects of our everyday lives, so recognizing their function in the communication processes is paramount to overcome the gaps that might occur among different generations.
For this reason, the Learning Unit “Digital Tools and Intergenerational Socialization and Communication” aims to explore the role of that media and digital tools in general play in the interaction between different groups as well as which and how media can facilitate this process.
Each age group has a preferred social media when it comes to communication and learning about this will support the learner in gaining a more comprehensive knowledge about intergenerational interaction.
The Module is addressed both to Adult Educators and Elderly Adults.
The Module 2 will first define what intergenerational socialization means, especially focusing on the digital aspect of it, and then it will show how youth and seniors can interact with the help of social media tools, by also explaining benefits and risks of social networks.
At the end of the unit, the learner can self-assess their knowledge through a fun quiz.

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