Module 3: “How to create a video for cultural communication”
The importance of cultural communication in communities is essential for the maintenance of social cohesion. The creation of cultural communication video can be used as a bridge amongst the generations to promote the cultural identity of a region, enhance the digital skills of the elderly adults and their inclusion in society after its digital transformation.
The Learning Unit aim to help the learners to understand the importance of using digital tools and provide them with information and tools on how to create a video for cultural communication. The process of the video’s creation will firstly upgrade the digital skills of both of the target groups and secondly will help to face the challenges in intergeneration cultural communication.
The Module is addressed both to Adult Educators and Elderly Adults.
Through the Module 3 the learner will be able to know about the definitions of cultural communication and video creation, how to identify the challenges and face them during the creation’s process, learn details about the 3 phases and their specific steps of a video’s creation, and useful tips that they can follow. Also, the learner can take inspiration through 3 best practices and evaluate himself/herself playing a quiz.
The Learning Unit’s topic aims to learning the creation’s basic process of a video for cultural communication. At the end of the topic both of adult educators and adults will enhance their knowledge, skills, abilities, and behaviors regarding the production of a video. In addition, in this topic they can find tips in order to be familiar with the steps of the process and achieve the best possible results, as well.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them. 2021-1-FR01-KA220-ADU-000035344